Do Mantras Work? - Wellness By Heart

Do Mantras Work?

 Before we answer the question, do mantras work; let's first answer the question,

what is a mantra?

Luckily, many scientific studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of mantras. One study published in the International Journal of Yoga found that chanting "Om" (a mantra used in yogic practices) for 10 minutes significantly reduced anxiety among participants. Yet another study conducted at the University of California, San Francisco found that loving-kindness meditation helped to decrease the participants' symptoms of depression.

Scientific research has therefore shown that repetitive phrases and sounds can have a calming effect on the brain. According to a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, chanting a mantra can activate the body's relaxation response. Activating this response has been associated with reduced heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. 


Mantras aren't all flim-flam and woo-woo nonsense! 


They also don't need to be a tool to manifest your destiny. However, they are a great tool for maintaining a positive mindset.


A few years ago I created a reverse canvas that's hanging by the mirror in my bathroom. It was a fun DIY project that I did to remind myself of my favorite quote, it is shown above.

 This is my mantra. It motivates me, it keeps me striving. Doing something my future self would thank me for could be something as small as doing the dishes. 

Here's a unique way to keep your mantra at the forefront of your mind.

You could turn a shortened version of your favorite into your password. For example, another favorite quote of mine is, "Life is 10% what happens, and 90% how you react." It's a little long for a mantra, but this could become something like Life10%90react. I clearly won't be using that now, but it's a great reminder that I am the one in charge of my day, I'm not at the mercy of circumstance. Repeating it regularly as I would if it were my password would help reinforce that positive mindset. When it comes to mantras, repetition is everything.


Here are some more steps you can take to start using mantras to improve your well-being:


1. Choose a mantra:

Find a short phrase or word that resonates with you and reflects your needs or goals. Popular mantras include "Om," "I am enough," and "This too shall pass." 

2. Set aside time to practice:

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit for a few minutes each day to repeat your mantra. You can start with a few minutes, then gradually increase the time as you become more accustomed to the practice. 

3. Focus on your breath:

Before you recite your mantra, take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. 

Check out this article on breathing exercises for stress relief for more guidance. 

4. Repeat your mantra:

Begin repeating your mantra silently to yourself or out loud. Let the words sink into your mind and focus on their meaning. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your mantra. 

5. Practice regularly:

Consistency is key when using mantras. Make it a daily practice and try to incorporate it into your routine at the same time each day.


 Research suggests that keeping a positive and focused mindset with mantras can help to reframe negative thoughts. Repeating mantras can help to increase mindfulness, reduce negative self-talk, and boost self-esteem. 


Remember that the effectiveness of mantras may vary from person to person. It's important to find a technique that works for you.
When incorporating mantras into your daily routine, you might also want to explore other mindfulness practices. Things such as meditation, breathing exercises, or yoga are all intertwined and form a solid support structure for general well-being.


So, Do Mantras Work?


In summary, there is scientific evidence to suggest that mantras are an effective tool for relaxation. Repetition matters! Put it on a post-it note, make it your lock screen on your phone, turn it into your password; anything that will keep it at the forefront of your thoughts. If reducing anxiety, increasing mindfulness, and promoting a positive mindset sound good to you, why not give it a go? If you have a favorite inspiring quote or mantra leave it in a comment below. I'd love to hear what words of wisdom inspire you!

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